Project Assurance

An Internationally Recognised Leader in providing Innovative Training and Consulting Services that ensure World-Class Capital Projects, Plant Turnarounds & Outages
Maximizing Profits through Knowledge and Productivity

Project Assurance

An Internationally Recognised Leader in providing Innovative Training and Consulting Services that ensure World-Class Capital Projects, Plant Turnarounds & Outages
Maximizing Profits through Knowledge and Productivity

Project Assurance

Turnaround Preparedness Reviews

projectassurance_00021The Turnaround Planning Preparedness Review is designed to evaluate the existing turnaround planning procedures and management approaches, and provide specific recommendations to enhance the performance of upcoming plant turnaround.

The review offers pragmatic solutions to streamline planning function, and ensures the participants’ focused effort in maximizing turnaround performance.

Major Objectives:

  • Early recognition of potential problems and weak areas.
  • Timely implementation of recommended programs to achieve highest performance
  • Incorporation of best turnaround management practices and planning techniques

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